If you are bit of a nerd for all things Luftwaffe like myself, I have listed below a basic guide to the Luftwaffe colours issued by the German Air Ministry, not all colours are listed but what I feel are the most popular, apologies in advance if some are not correct but they may help in your projects or maybe not. Where known I have also shown the relevant Humbrol paint codes, again apologies for anything that is shown incorrectly, please check for errors only human I'm afraid.
RLM 00 Wasserhell (Clear Varnish) Humbrol 49
RLM 01 Silber (Silver) Humbrol 11
RLM 02 Grau (Grey) Humbrol 240 RLM 04 Gelb (Yellow) Humbrol 24
RLM 21 Weiss (White) Humbrol 34
RLM 22 Schwarz (Black) Humbrol 33
RLM 23 Rot (Red) Humbrol 60
RLM 24 Dunkelblau (Dark Blue)
RLM 25 Hellgrun (Light Green)
RLM 26 Braun (Brown)
RLM 41 Grau (Dark Grey) Humbrol 32RLM 42 Grau (Dark Grey)
RLM 65 Hellblau (Light Blue) Humbrol 65
RLM 66 Schwarzgrau (Black Grey) Humbrol 32
RLM 70 Schwarzgrun (Black Green) Humbrol 241
RLM 71 Dunkelgrun (Dark Green) Humbrol 242
RLM 72 Grun (Green) Humbrol 243
RLM 73 Grun (Green) Humbrol 244
RLM 74 Dunkelgrau (Dark Grey) Humbrol 245
RLM 75 Grauviolett (Medium Grey) Humbrol 246
RLM 76 Lichtblau (Light Blue) Humbrol 247
RLM 78 Hellblau (Light Blue) Humbrol 248
RLM 79 Sand-Gelb (Sand Yellow) Humbrol 249RLM 80 Olivgrun (Olive Green) Humbrol 252
RLM 81 Braunviolett (Brown Violet) Humbrol 251
RLM 82 Hellgrun (Light Green) Humbrol 252
RLM 83 Dunkelgrun (Dark Green) Humbrol 253